Slam The Gavel - What The Judiciary Really Needs To Know About Domestic Violence with Barry Goldstein

What The Judiciary Really Needs To Know About Domestic Violence

Interview with: Barry Goldstein, Domestic Violence Expert And Author on Slam The Gavel

December 7, 2022

Show Notes

Slam the Gavel welcomes Barry Goldstein to the podcast. Barry Goldstein is an advocate, speaker and highly recognized Domestic Violence Author as well as being an attorney for 30 years. Most of his practice involved representing protective Mothers.

Barry Goldstein has been involved in the Domestic Violence movement since 1983 and served on the board of a Domestic Violence shelter in Westchester County for 14 years including four years as chairperson. An instructor and later as a supervisor in a NY Model Batterer Program since 1999, Barry Goldstein has written the leading books about Domestic Violence and Child Custody. He also co-edited two volumes of Domestic Violence, Abuse and Child Custody with Dr. Mo Therese Hannah. He also co-authored Representing the Domestic Violence Survivor with Elizabeth Liu. His work also includes authoring, Scared to Leave Afraid to Stay and The Quincy Solution: Stop Domestic Violence and Save $500 Billion.

A sought after speaker, Barry's expertise has been welcomed by many organizations including the National Coalition  Against Domestic Violence, Battered Women's Custody Conference, National Domestic Violence Hotline, American Psychological Association, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, OVW in the US Justice Department, Center for Judicial Excellence, Canadian Institute of Health, Oklahoma Attorney General's Office and the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Barry Goldstein also serves as co-chair of the Child Custody Task Force for the National Organization For Men Against Sexism.

Listen to the interview here: